3.000 Tons of Brazilian Beef Starts to imported to Indonesia in December 2019.

3.000 Tons of Brazilian Beef Starts to imported to Indonesia in December 2019

PT Berdikari (Persero) estimates that 3,000 tons of beef from Brazil will be released in December 2019.

Director of Berdikari Eko Taufik Wibowo said that his party had completed the negotiation process with suppliers and distributors. In addition, the shipping process is also being prepared for shipping next month.

“The possibility of next week has begun the first shipment and arrived in early December 2019, around 280 tons,” (10/28/2019).

Berdikari said that he would immediately coordinate with distributors for the marketing of this food commodity. In the import of 20,000 tons of buffalo meat in 2018, the state-owned company is cooperating with 13 distributors.

The government has previously decided to provide a quota of imported cattle from Brazil amounting to 50,000 tons for the three BUMNs of Bulog amounting to 30,000 tons and 10,000 tons each for Berdikari and PT Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia (Persero).

Beef imports from South American countries is done to stabilize prices. Even though the price is more expensive than meat from India, Eko is optimistic that the public is still interested in eating Brazilian meat at a market price of Rp. 80,000 per kg.

Preliminary data from the Directorate General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health (PKH) of the Ministry of Agriculture (Ministry of Agriculture) shows the total beef demand reached 686,271 tons. However, domestic cattle production only reached 404,590 tons, equivalent to 2.25 million head of cattle.

To meet the needs, the Directorate General of PKH completed important needs of 291,980 tons, with 80,000 tons of Indian imported meat, 62,000 tons of beef, 50,000 tons of beef from Brazil, and entry of feeder cattle of 42,622 or equivalent to 8,523 tons.

Source: bisnis.com

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